Hi, I’m Jacqueline Working

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach for CHRONIC ILLNESSES

Take Control of your Chronic Illnesses and Live Your Life!

It’s my role to get you there!


I will empower you to make the food and lifestyle choices that best support you and your well-being

Access that intuition

I believe each person is their own health expert—it is my role to teach you how to access that intuition and motivate you

In my coaching

I will empower you to make the food and lifestyle choices that best support you and your well-being, starting from where you are right now.

I will teach you

how to make sustainable shifts that guide you to reach your health and wellness goals that actually stick for the long term.

Listen to your body

Tune in and listen to your body’s needs. I will teach you about life changing alternatives that quench those needs.

Equip yourself

I aim to equip you with the self-awareness necessary to make decisions that work for you in any given circumstance.

Coaching & Food management Packages

Working with people who have chronic illness, who need help moving forward in daily life through nutrition/lifestyle change, so that they can find healing in their bodies and live a fuller life.

About Me

I’m a Certified Health Coach, certified with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I practice a holistic and multidimensional approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. It’s not just about the food on your plate:

  • Does work or relationship stress cause your illness to flare up?
  • Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from being physically active?

Together, we’ll look at every part of your life and explore how each affects your health. We will collaborate to create customized solutions that work for you as a bio-individual.

Health History Form

Please fill out the below health history form so we can learn more about helping you with your multidimensional health.

When completed, simply tap the “EMAIL FORM” button on the last page at the bottom right.

I look forward to working together to find a solution that works for YOU!